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Summary of
DUO-Korea 2024 Call for Applications
- April 4, 2024 – May 20, 2024 (Local Korean
2. Eligibility Your exchange project fulfills all four requirements below: 1) A Korean institution and a European institution have established an academic cooperative agreement; 2) The Korean institution has selected
a Korean national student enrolled at the Korean institution to send to the
European institution, and such selection has been accepted by the European institution; 3) The same European institution has selected
an ASEM European national citizen student enrolled at the European
institution to send to the Korean institution, and such selection has been accepted by the same Korean
institution. 4) If the Korean student has already started the exchange or the European
student has already started the exchange in Korea before the application period
for DUO-Korea 2024, are not
3. Duration and Funding The selection of DUO-Korea 2024
is made ONLY once a year. In this respect, those who are planning to exchange
in Fall Semester of 2024(August-December
2024) and Spring Semester of 2025(January-July
2025) shall apply for DUO-Korea 2024.
The duration and the amount of the fellowships are standardized as
4. Documents
*All documents should be submitted in English. 1) An online application Form ONLY
5. Application Submission 1) Korean institutions enter ID
and password on the LOGIN page and
should fill out the whole application including the information of European
institutions. *The application form can be downloaded using the following link 2) The rest of the documents (cooperation agreement, passport copies, transcripts and motivation letter) can be uploaded in the last step of the application process.
6. Contacts
For any information related to this announcement, please contact: